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Event Series Event Series: Beginning Hebrew
Hebrew Flashcards

Beginning Hebrew

  • Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
  • Time: 7:00pm8:00pm

Teacher: Janet Liss, Temple congregant and long-time Hebrew instructor

Have you ever wanted to learn the Alef Bet but thought that you just could not do it? It was too hard. You are not good at languages. You do not want to embarrass yourself. Well, now’s the time to put all those false beliefs to bed. This 10-week Beginning Hebrew class is painless and fun and by the 10th week of study, you will be reading Hebrew! We guarantee it. Come join other adults who, just like you, want to read Hebrew too. This is not your father’s or mother’s Hebrew class!

Cost: $100, plus the cost of textbook

Please RSVP to Charmaine clw@tilb.org

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